Your Authentic Self
A live class that well assist you in identifying your limiting beliefs and allow you to change them to better serve you.
You will be fully in control while we explore the origins of your beliefs. The session includes:
Relaxation exercise
Identify an area where you are having difficulty or not creating the sucess you want to have. This could be finances, weight-loss, relationships or any other area
Notice your body. How and where do you feel this thought?
Remember when was the first time you felt this feeling. This will most likely take you back between the ages of 3 and 8 but sometimes it will be a time in your teens or twenties.
As an adult, you will give perspective to this situation helping to discard any decisions made at that time and choosing a better decision.
Tap into your inner wisdom to recieve any additional insight and freedom concerning this situation
Using the Limiting Beliefs worsheet, write down your experience. This is an important part of the process as it clarifies information, helps to clear emotions and anchors any new decisions made.
Time to share your insights (if you want to) and ask questions
Change your life TODAY!
An introduction Session to give you all of the information to have success
Getting Out of Your Own Way Session. Repeatable and On -demand
Preparing for Getting out of Your Own Way. Pre-session excercises to get the most out of the sessions.
100 Limiting Beliefs List
Limiting Belief Worksheet to use during the session
A link to share with a friend
Write your text here
Life Coach, Speaker, Trainer
I am a life coach who blogs at
I help my clients who are at a crossroads in their life, whether it is retirement, job change, empty nest, returning to work, divorce, or other life change. At times like these it is good to have someone to walk alongside you, to help you see what isn’t clear. I won’t be giving you the answers but helping you to find the answers that are already within you.
I specialize in helping you identify that “thing” that you have always wanted to do and help you to find the courage within to finally say “Yes” to yourself.
So . . .why this limiting belief session? I have struggled with limiting beliefs stopping from so much of what I have wanted to do. I find my clients often have limiting beliefs blocking them as well. When I experienced this process, I realized that I needed to make it available to as many people as I could. This has changed my life and I believe it has the power to change yours as well.
I hope you enjoy it!